So cue up the music and break out the disco ball, things are about to get visual! You’ll also learn how to make those particles dance to the beat of a song. You’ll learn how to configure the project to play music as well as support background audio and to create particle effects using UIKit’s particle system. In this tutorial, you’ll create your very own music visualizer.

To see an example of music visualization in action, simply launch iTunes, start a good tune, then choose View/Show Visualizer and allow the psychedelics to free your mind! :] Now, music visualization is a common technology that can be found in almost every digital media player such as iTunes or Windows Media Player. The device was a market failure but it was the first time that the world was exposed to music visualization. Consumers could manipulate the images by twisting knobs and pushing buttons on the device. In the mid-seventies, Atari released the Atari Home Music player that connected a television to a stereo and thereby produced abstract images in sync with the music.