These warnings do not refer to individual hazards or individual precautionary measures. These warnings contain references to safety-relevant information or general safety measures. These warnings mean that damage to property may occur, if no precautions are taken. These warnings mean that minor injuries may occur, if no precautions are taken. These warnings mean that it is certain or highly probable that death or severe injuries will occur, if no precautions These warnings mean that death or severe injuries may occur, if no precautions are taken. Translation of the original documentation KIM-PS5-DOC Publication: Pub KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation (PDF) en Bookstructure: KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation V3.1 Version: KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation V2 en (PDF) 2 / 29 Issued: Version: KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation V2 en (PDF)ģ Contents Contents 1 Introduction Representation of warnings and notes Product description Product description Installation Minimum requirements for hardware General Installing the software Licensing Overview License key License types Stand-alone license CAD interfaces Network license Installing the license server License server settings Local network license License file Requesting a license file Using a license file License renewal and deactivation Index Issued: Version: KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation V2 en (PDF) 3 / 29Ĥ 4 / 29 Issued: Version: KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation V2 en (PDF)ĥ 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1.1 Representation of warnings and notes Safety These warnings are relevant to safety and must be observed. Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, however, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.

Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to guarantee total conformity.

We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software described. The user has no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work. Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. 1 KUKA System Technology KUKA Roboter GmbH KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation and Licensing Issued: Version: KUKA.Sim 2.2 Installation V2 en (PDF)Ģ Copyright 2012 KUKA Roboter GmbH Zugspitzstraße 140 D Augsburg Germany This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without the express permission of KUKA Roboter GmbH.